VR Controllers

In this section we will describe the input map for both OculusVR and HTC Vive PRO controllers.


In the following figure (Figure 2) we can see a representation of Oculus controllers with the functions assigned to each of the buttons.

Oculus controller representation with the correspondence between the robot actions and cotroller buttons.

Figure 2. Oculus controllers representation with the correspondence between the robot actions and cotroller buttons.


  • Left and Right Joysticks:
    • to move and orient the robot in the scene
    • (by first pressing the left joystick) user will be able to position the first person camera according to its height. Use right joystick to move on Z axis and left joystick for movement on X and Y axes [1].
  • Left and Right Grasp: grab an object with the left or right hand correspondly.
  • Y button: restart the level placing all the objects to its initial position. First person camera configuration is mantained.
  • X button: reset VR changing first person camera to its default position and configuration
  • B button: turn ON/OFF HUD used for debugging purposes. It enables a mirror to see better robot head position while configuring first person camera
  • A button: begin/stop recording process which will dump all the scene information to a .txt file. This file will be used for the playback process.
  • Unused buttons: oculus button and left and right triggers.


TODO: HTC Vive PRO controllers

[1]Robot head is attached to the VR headset tracking user’s head position. This entails some problems such as, user’s height. You will need to configure camera position according with your height before recording.